Different, distinctive and effective, Chocolate Dog Marketing Services was established in 2003 by Sue Handford. Her mission is to bring marketing to the fore in organisations and underpin marketing activity with a strategic, agile, customer-focussed approach.
With a proven track record across many sectors including architecture, defence, education, food and drink, motor industry, retail, sport and voluntary.

Plenty of Exercise
Sue has a broad business background in marketing and business development. Prior to establishing Chocolate Dog Marketing Services, Sue working for Ford Motor Company , a large FE College, an IT and Telecoms PLC, a marine network and the Ministry of Defence working with the Royal Navy, the RAF, the Army and the United States Navy.
Sue is a Board member of Active Cornwall and an Advisory Board Member of Goodman’s Financial Planning. Previous Board appointments included the Prince’s Trust (Devon and Cornwall), Enterprise Plymouth, and Plymouth Sound.
Interests include sport – particularly gig rowing, walking her dog, and travel.
Sue Handford is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and an active member of several business networks. Her marketing experience covers a huge range of creative marketing solutions across an even bigger range of sectors. . Working with a select number of preferred suppliers you can be assured of a creative, effective high quality solution that will have staying power.
Always pleased to see you!
To find out how Chocolate Dog Marketing Services can help your organisation please contact Sue Handford.

Recent Testimonials
Her insights are always valuable and her energetic approach has proved transformative for our marketing, PR and commercial strategies. Sue is skilled at secured funding and sponsorship investment and has helped to both forge and maintain partnerships, an area of increasing importance as the sport continues to expand into new geographies."
We are delighted to say that, thanks in no small part to Sue’s successful fund-raising, from many different funding sources, none of which we were previously aware. We obviously provided Sue with the required basic information about the Hall but she drafted the proposals and researched relevant local history and statistics for inclusion in the proposals and developed the compelling propsitions.
We are hugely grateful to her for her commitment, application and, most of all, success in rasing over £55,000!”
I have worked with Sue on projects within Your Partnerships and she has helped many of the 4,500 members and helping like-minded people getting to know each other so they can build relationships, learn about each other and their businesses and help each other through collaborations and referrals."
She has not shrunk from telling clients how it is rather than how they would like it to be when the occasion has demanded. Last but not least she is a pleasure to work with. “
I have known Sue for over 20 years and can vouch for her professionalism, integrity and positive attitude.
Having engaged Sue in my previous organisation, she was able to bring a clarity of insight which allowed the company to reflect on past experiences, gain a new direction and work with her marketing strategy. If you are seeking a professional with an honest and "no nonsense" approach to your business, you cannot go far wrong in engaging Sue as your consultant.”
Sue worked tirelessly to aid the committee with fundraising events, grant applications, pledges of support, media reports, meetings with grant providers and all manner of marketing support. By July 2018 Sue had successfully project managed the refurbishment of the play area on the Playing Field in St Tudy. This totalled in excess of £65 000, raised through many grant applications, along with support from local companies and community members. Sue met with the play area equipment providers, ensuring that the best deal was given and many of the contributors to our funding. Sue led the official opening of the play area. She then continued to support a phase 2 and phase 3 continuation, where further additions were made to the area. The play area is now one of the best in the North Cornwall area and has been used as an example to other villages looking to improve their own area and has worked hard to help us secure funding for the Community Hub after we secured Levelling up Funding. In July 24 Sue managed all our PR"