
This website, like most others, uses small text files called cookies to store information in your browser to make the website work. The cookies this websites uses are listed below. To learn more about how we use these cookies and any personal data please read our privacy policy.

If you do not want these cookies, you can choose to not accept them by either changing your browser settings (you can find out how to do this here) or clicking the refuse option in the cookie banner which is shown to all users of this website.

Be aware that some areas of this website will not function correctly if you do not accept cookies from this website.

First Party Cookies

Cookie Consent – These cookies track your choices regarding this site’s setting of cookies; either accept or deny. These cookies are essential for this website.



Google Analytics – These cookies are used to monitor visits to our website and how visitors interact with our website in order to make improvements that will benefit our visitors. Google stores this activity anonymously on its servers.



These cookies have variable persistence.

You can learn more here:

Third Party Cookies

Twitter – These cookies are used by Twitter to remember you and your preferences when you view social feeds embedded on this website.







These cookies have variable persistence.

You can learn more here:

Chocolate Dog Ltd, Company Registration Number 4930488 | Privacy Policy | Cookie Usage